Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Art

I bought a new kind of marker...the kind that is designed to go on windows/mirrors, etc. Wow! Riley and Sophie both have really loved decorating our windows! And they stay at it for hours, which I love! It cleans up quick and then the windows are ready for the next masterpiece. It has been fun to see the kids' individual creative styles...Sophie is all about getting it done fast and covering the whole window with big pictures. Riley is all about staying until every inch of the window is covered, making sure not to mix any of the colors. Riley usually interprets his drawing as scary monsters and Sophie says hers are thunder and lightning and smiley faces!


Chantel said...

I love the art.
What are the markers called. Have a wonderful day.

bgtaylor said...

what a great discovery! Art on the windows! I could have used those markers a lot! Maybe when I get home I'll get some for the grandchildren. Think what you can do for Christmas--or any holiday.