Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crossing the Pond

Our 2 week Spring Break started off in one of these...

Sent Michael wishing that he had one of these...

Was spent trying to keep Lucy occupied here...

And gave us all time to read books and catch up on our writing, right, Sophie?

Crossing "The Pond" with three kids is not an easy task...especially when there are delays, missed connections and an upset stomach involved! Lucy deplaned wrapped in a blanket, compliments of BA! We eventually made it through customs in Chicago, but not before our next flight left. The added bonus of seeing Dallas was unexpected, but we were able to enjoy soft heavenly comforts of American mattresses and a Continental breakfast (wherever that name came from!) Fighting off our own individual helpings of jet lag, we made it to Boise the next day. Ahhh! Transatlantic travel is....hmm!
Glad we made it.

1 comment:

Chantel said...

It is a good thing that you have another 4 months to gear up for it again. It was so fun to see you guys.