Sunday, January 18, 2009

London Temple

Our beautiful little kiddos on the steps of the London Temple. We walked around the Temple grounds which were absolutely gorgeous. And since both the temple and the visitor's center were closed, we had the place to ourselves!

Michael and I on a cool little bridge. Sophie took this picture and did a very good job, don't you think?!

We loved the little pond and, of course, there happened to be a duck happily swimming. It had all the kids excited and stole little Lucy's full attention. When we all were walking away, she stopped giggling at the duck to wave goodbye, and gave her best shot at "quacking". We'd never heard her do that before! It sounded pretty funny! (made her daddy proud!)

My handsome English gentleman next to the entrance sign. I love that the grass is so green here...even in the cold of January!

Sophie and Riley as guards on either side of the London Temple sign. (everything else was closed...this sign was about all there was to do!)

We drove to the London Temple after our Stake Conference. We figured since we were half-way there already, why not?! We arrived around 2pm and the visitor's center didn't open until 6pm that evening. We opted not to stick around. We plan to return later...when it's a bit warmer, too! Maybe the scaffolding will have been removed by then!


Anonymous said...

Great photos. Sounds like a fun day.

suzanne said...

Sophie is a good little photographer! I love the photo of Nat and Michael together-- you two are a goodlooking couple!

Arlene said...

Hi Natalie--It's good to finally see your blog. What some great memories you are making over there in merry ole England! Michael does look like a proper English gentleman.