Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sherwood Forest

Riley's not quite sure what to think of the pink-haired doll!

On the last day of the year we visited Sherwood Forest, of Robin Hood fame. It was maybe the coldest day of the year, as well. Despite our waxing/waning illnesses and medicated fevers, we enjoyed the pretty scenery. But our fingers and toes were almost frozen by the time we made it back to the car and got it warmed up! We had a quick look at the Old Oak Tree, one of the oldest living trees in the forest, like 1600 years old! (just try to count those tree rings!) It had stakes tied to it, to hold up its very heavy branches! Our family "friend", Christy came along for the ride...she sure wished she had a coat to wear! We hope to visit here again in the spring/summer where we can also have a go at the archery station!


Bonecutter said...

Looks great. What a fun trip. I still remember how cold it was.

Arlene said...

Hi Natalie & fam
I'm enjoying reading your blog today. It's bringing back memories of my trip to England many years ago. Sherwood Forest was one of my favorite spots--you need to go back there in the spring. It really is a beautiful place.

Natalie Daines said...

Thanks, Arlene. I really want to see all the trees full of leaves, etc! I remember you telling stories of your trip...with Brenda, was it? I was fascinated!You know, you're always welcome to visit again! Door's open!